Who is Metin Hara?
Metin Hara who has developed an effectual school of treatment by synthesizing the knowledge of various energy methods and the knowledge of modern medicine, demonstrates both practically and scientifically what the power of love and thought is able to do.
”Healing is not a business of the mind, but the love.”

Metin has a multi-professional and extensive background, e.g. as an actor, speaker and author. In addition, he has both an university-level education in modern medicine and a broad understanding of the human energetic system and spirituality. His personal experiences of serious illnesses and healing also complement his comprehensive skills. Metin is widely known, especially in Turkey, both for his seminars and workshops, as well as for his helpful guidance at his personal surgery.
”Illness is actually the path that leads to healing.
Bless the illness! If you are having any type of health disorder, look deep into your mind. You will find the seeds of it there.”
Ever since founding “Trusthuman-İnsanagüven” project in 2008, Metin has been touching people’s lives through private sessions and group seminars by adopting the motto “A Different World is Possible”. Trusthuman (İnsanagüven in Turkish) is a philosophy with 3 principles that set out to prove that human life can be changed through: 1. physical health, 2. mental balance, 3. spiritual journey.
Metin has founded the Trusthuman Academy in 2014 to show that each individual has a present to offer to the world.
”I see in each of these people whom you see as an apprentice, an adept.”
Metin who has been hosting seminars and workshops at many universities, medical faculties and health institutions in Turkey, has also organized these events abroad to teach how love and the power of thought impacts human health both scientifically and practically.
”The only one you can change on earth is yourself
and you should know that:
If you change, the world will change.”
You can book an appointment with Metin (in English or Turkish) in person in Istanbul or via Zoom: +90 543 360 90 49 or [email protected]
Body-mind-soul medicine
”There is no doubt that future medicine will be body-mind-soul medicine. This approach does not deny nor exclude any medicine, nor does it reject science.
The body-mind-soul is a trinity. Every bodily disorder (the leaves of a plant) refers to a discomfort in the mind (the body of a plant) and a spiritual blockage (the root of the plant).”

”Do not pray null and void prayers;
one who wants to have a tree, plants seed.”
Our warm encounter
My Istanbul family gave me Metin’s book “Invasion of Love” The Path as a gift, and it touched me deeply. For me, the book has become one of those important books that I return to over and over again, and one that acts as a guide to a balanced and healthy life.
”Existing through creation is healing. You create yourself every moment.”
Then one day when my family told me that Metin was coming to our home to meet and share his treatments with my son and me, I considered this to be just an obvious joke from my family. I didn’t believe this for a second. For, in Finland we are not used to such a service – let alone that a person known throughout the country, and a spiritual teacher, would be so helpful and service-minded. But as our doorbell rang, I experienced a happy and confusing surprise. At the door, I was greeted by a bright, modest, and warm young man with a backpack on his back, introducing himself as Metin Hara and saying, “I have time for your son and for you as much as you need”. In that small instant, I immediately realized with great appreciation, that I had obviously met the cherisher of the wise heritage of Rumi, the modern Sufi. The light of the heart had arrived to our home.
”Your smile of today will deliver your smile of tomorrow.
The love of today will create heaven tomorrow.”

At first, the three of us discussed together extensively and holistically about the human condition. After that, both my son and I discussed our personal situations with Metin separately. We also received concrete tips and instructions for healing and balancing ourselves. Finally, Metin did the treatments for both of us. There was no hurry. We felt his genuine desire to help and his presence. We also understood his vast amount of knowledge — and also his holistic wisdom about the complex layers as well as spirituality of humanity. And what’s also valuable, Metin openly shared his personal experiences as peer support.
”Healing is not suppressing the pain in your body and removing the symptoms of sickness, but prompting all the remedial systems of the body.”
It was also important for me to notice that my decades of study, experience and work e.g. in Chinese medicine intertwined seamlessly with Metin’s knowledge and experience. We understood each other easily and naturally. It was good to experience in practice that the deep knowledge of the human condition really is one and the same all over the world. His light left a lasting imprint on me.
The book ”Invasion of Love” The Path
The Path is the first book in Metin’s three-part “Invasion of Love” book series. The book is an exceptional and comprehensive package of information about the human, including expert knowledge on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. In addition to this, you will find in the book practical exercises as well as a large amount of profound wisdom for your healing and balancing journey to self discovery, what Metin calls the “journey of love”.
The book can be found e.g. online bookstores.
”The mind directs you to the illusion and the heart to the truth.
Whichever you listen to, you will find yourself there.”

”Humanity is just like a huge divine orchestra.
Now it is high time the universe´s best music was orchestrated.
The music of love.
More information: www.metinhara.com
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Bold quotations and drawing from Metin’s book “Invasion of Love” The Path.